🎤How does this Digital Marketer prompt ChatGPT to sound less like ChatGPT?
Syam S. Pillai, a digital marketing specialist and SEO expert with over 15 years of industry experience, gives us the lowdown on how he makes his AI generated content sound human.

In this latest episode of Down & Dirty, Taapsi sat down with Syam S. Pillai, a digital marketing specialist and SEO expert with over 15 years of industry experience. Syam is the founder of three startups, including the innovative QHRS specializing in psychology and mental health consultation for kids and parents. He currently plays a pivotal role in the Kerala Digital Marketing Agency, catering to a diverse range of clients from industries like tourism, Ayurveda, e-commerce, hospitality, healthcare and more.
ChatGPT is the tool of choice for this seasoned professional. Initially skeptical when ChatGPT was just a buzzword, Syam quickly became addicted to its capabilities after experimenting with its prompts.
Highlights from the episode include:
- Learning the ropes: “There were many tools available pre-ChatGPT but nothing worked the way ChatGPT worked.” Syam shares how he came to know about ChatGPT and the avenues he explored to learn more about the tool.
- How ChatGPT changed the game: “It [ChatGPT] helps us save 50% of our time, efforts and money.” Syam reveals how this tool has transformed the way his digital marketing company operates.
- Creating Human-Centric Content with ChatGPT: As a digital marketer, Syam focuses on creating content that is “user focused, user generated and human-centric.” By prompting the virtual assistant to adopt specific copywriting standards, he has been able to generate high quality content that doesn’t sound AI-like.
- Role of a Digital Marketer in the AI Era: Syam believes that digital marketing jobs are here to stay and, while tools like ChatGPT play a crucial role in content generation, they are not a replacement for the expertise of a digital marketer.
Tune in to the full episode to hear more about Syam's insights and experiences with ChatGPT.
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Read the transcript
Taapsi 0:00
Hello and welcome everyone to another episode of Down and Dirty. And today we have with us Syam Pillai with over 15 years of experience as a digital marketer and SEO expert. Syam I'm so excited to have you speak with us here because you're the first marketer who I'm talking to in our chat series for the podcast and want to understand more obviously about how you're using ChatGPT to do your work and just looking at your work experience, you're also a start up founder in the health tech space for kids. And you've been in product, you've been in marketing for, as I mentioned, over 15 years. Currently, you're with the Kerala Digital Marketing Agency and it seems like your clients are very, very diverse. You have hospitality, you have Ayurveda, e-commerce, health care. I mean, a lot of experience across a lot of industries. Is that right?
Syam 0:58
Exactly. So, yeah, myself Syam. I have been working with digital marketing for last 15 plus years in various industries. So it includes different domains like tourism, then ayurveda hospitals, technology companies and outsourcing companies. So we basically had some outsourcing clients from US, UK, Australia. So, we have dealt with a wide range of industries or domains in terms of website development plus digital marketing activities. So, apart from digital marketer, I'm a serial entrepreneur. So I co-founded three plus companies. So three plus start ups basically. So, yeah, so most of them were product based solutions. And my recent start up is QHRS, QHRS is a short form of quality hours.
Taapsi 2:19
I thought that was very clever. QHRS.
Syam 2:24
Yeah, QHRS, Q hours. So what we do with the QHRS, basically psychology and mental health consultation, online consultation. So we have a RCI certified psychologist on our board and then we connect with basically kids and parents. Right now we are operating in Kerala. We have plans to expand in other states. So yeah this is what we do.
Taapsi 3:02
Startups, three startups and full time digital marketer and SEO expert, and very active on LinkedIn, as I have seen. So how do you get the time to do all of this?
Syam 3:14
Basically three start ups. Yeah. We started around 18 years back, the first start up, I started the time. Actually, why I became a digital marketer is because of searching the word zero budget marketing. Like we don't have the budget to market in other services. See, the only option we had is to market only through Google. So, we don't have any money left when we finish the product. So, for our survival, SEO is the only thing that we have to do. So that is why I learned SEO myself because we don't have any other employees or we were not in a position to accommodate any other marketers. So I decided to learn SEO because that time it was basically SEO was a synonym to digital marketing because we don't had any other social media platforms. We don't had any other marketing methods, even the advertisements were there, but still SEO was only the dependent system in digital marketing. So that's why I said it's kind of a SEO was a synonym in that type.
Taapsi 4:47
Right. I was gonna ask you how you got into it. So now this is a very interesting back story because of your own need for figuring out, you know, zero budget marketing. That's how it happened. So what does a day in your life look like? From the time you get to wake up in the morning and you're prepping for the day till the time your day gets over. What's behind the curtains, Syam, what happens?
Syam 5:16
To be frank, I don't have a formal, office hours or, or kind of a schedule, but I do, see that is the way how I worked a long time. And maybe that's why I choose entrepreneurship as my profession. So we don't fit into that timelines.
Taapsi 5:40
It's a huge book, running your own business.
Syam 5:45
So, basically, what we do is, okay in the morning we go to the school where my son is going. So that is a kind of a community school where we all parents are part of the system. So we are all running the school actually.
Taapsi 6:09
Seriously? Like you guys running means what like administration or teaching, everything?
Syam 6:14
Everything, everything. It's a kind of alternative education system. So basically, it's Bhoomi, Bhoomi is the learning community we call Bhoomi is the school name. So that is located in Cochin. So we have around 25 plus families who are running the school. So I used to go there and be with the kids sometime and also we do some sort of facilitation sometime, not teaching facilitation, like, helping these children to do something, learn something. Maybe sometimes for me, I will just get something in technology, website or whatever, something. Like that way, all the parents do.
Taapsi 7:05
Yeah. Kids need to know technology. I mean, in today's day and age, you know, unless you're introducing children to how to use it effectively and safely. So it's an important thing to be able to visit. It also makes sense why in your own bio, you have a lot of past history in the ed-tech space, in the education space. So now it, it makes sense. You're a really proactive parent. It seems like, you know, you and, you and your wife and, in terms of taking your child's education into your own hands because this must be pretty hands on. There's a lot of responsibility on the parents right to, right for the, in a way that, you know, my, my kid goes to a traditional school, I can just drop her off and, you know, kind of hope for the best that they are doing a good job, but it seems like you're very hands on. So what, how much of your day goes in being a part of your kids' school system.
Syam 8:01
School system basically for a day in a week. We have to be there for a, for a day, from 10:00 to 3:00, one day in the week, we have to be there. And apart from that, if there is some events or some activities are happening, we also will be there and the morning, we will be there and we will be part of them, some circles, some conversations and then we just left the space.
Taapsi 8:32
And so then after that, other than that one day, then you're doing your work on the other. Exactly.
Syam 8:37
Exactly. So that is what I said, there is no formal routine or schedules in my system. So this is one of the thing which I do in the beginning. And then we, we go back to the work schedule. We make some calls to be made with some sort of client calls we have to do, like some sort of updates we have to give or some discussions related to projects. So that is the one thing which we have to finish because then only we can plan the other projects or works for the day or to prioritize the things. So then I do work for around even, even midnight, two o'clock after two o'clock or sometimes, because that is yeah, that is a kind of flexibility. I'm not continuously working till two o'clock or three o'clock. But we go to some cafes, working spaces or some, some sort of co-working space and we, we, we make it relax and we enjoy looking at-
Taapsi 09:56
How many people are in the team right now at the Kerala Digital Marketing Agency?
Syam 10:01
Only four people are there.
Taapsi 10:03
Four people. And you're all in the same space or you all remote or some are remote?
Syam 10:07
Remote, remote.
Taapsi 10:08
Everyone's remote. So you can just go and work at a so. Ok. So what, because it's only a four person team your day, you just, let's say a roughly typical day at work. Does it involve more client calls or does it involve more emails or does it involve more doing work like, you know, you're actually doing the SEO and you’re kind of doing analytics or content, whatever it is, you know, how is your-the distribution of the kind of work you do? What does that look like?
Syam 10:35
Basically some of the clients are already assigned to some of the people already. So I don't need to be involved with their day to day activities. It's kind of a dedicated client and dedicated people are there and we are also handling, I am also personally handling some of the clients, sometimes they need email updates rather than the phone calls. But definitely, yeah, we, we usually send emails regularly but, mainly in SEO or digital marketing, we prefer to send them monthly updates rather than daily updates or weekly updates because it's, it's all kind of a monthly contracts.
Taapsi 11:24
Makes sense. It takes some time, for organic to kick in, it takes time.
Syam 11:29
Exactly. It's all monthly contracts we are handling so we don't do any kind of, daily. OK, of course. Then there are some priority campaigns or active marketing campaigns, performance marketing are there then definitely we have to be more involved with the client, update them, discuss them getting the materials ready. There are a lot of works involved in the performance marketing side, but in the organic side, it's, it's a, it's a fixer things. So we both know the client and we know that we will deliver something in the end of the month and they will deliver it in a monthly report or something.
Taapsi 12:12
Got it. So, OK, so let's talk about some of the tools, you know, resources, solutions, anything that's digital or online that you're using to do your everyday work. What would that, what are some of those?
Syam 12:27
So basically we, I'm not a designer, basically creative guy. So for, for supporting the digital marketing, we must need some sort of creative works or creative posters or updates. So those are taken by some other people actually. So whenever we have the idea, we provide them wire frames in, in any softwares or roughly, we draw it in a Powerpoint or Wed, and we will share it with them and explain them what we are expecting and they will deliver it, whatever, whatever format is possible, the output they will provide us and then we will share it with the client and they will, they will either review it or they will need revisions or they will approve it. That is the process we usually do. Then apart from that emails we use OK, Gmail, we are regularly using Gmail. Then we have a lot of tools in terms of digital marketing, like you know, multiple-this Google itself having different type of Webmaster tools where there are search consoles. Yeah, right now it is search consoles. If you are handling this ads, Google ads platform is there, then analytics is there. So, so there are different, different tools we have to do in a day but depends on the project and depends on the things actually.
Taapsi 14:11
Got it, got it. So what I if I had to ask you for, you know, what's open on your browser right now, like what are some two or three, you know, tools that you're using either at the browser or a desktop level. What do you have right now on your computer?
Syam 14:27
Basically always I am into Google basically because I used to just search on the keywords where we are getting ranked every time, every day when I, when I open the laptop. The first thing I used to do is how the keywords are performing for the day or what changes it makes. Otherwise I used to get email updates saying that your keyword got moved this much of ranks or yeah. So, that makes us happy sometimes and sad also.
Taapsi 15:04
Yeah, ofcourse, ofcourse. Ok. So you open up your browser and the first thing you do is first look at how your keywords are ranking for different client projects, I assume. And that's good. And what else do you do after that? Is there, what else do you open on your computer? Is there anything that's always open that you use? Right?
Syam 15:20
The first thing I used to do is definitely mails. I will check the mails first thing. Ok. Then I will plan based on my schedule like the, the plan for the day. If suppose if I wanted to, so before that, before ChatGPT era. So basically, what we have to do is we had to plan a lot in terms of content writing requirements actually, because every time, see digital marketing is, the organic marketing is, okay, apart from the performance marketing, organic marketing is mainly, still content is the key, as I was always saying, content is the key. So if your website or blog having the content, even now, we can see how the Linkedin is also performing. Like because the real content get more traffic, more, more attention, more people are getting connected. So like the way Google or search engines always prefer on content. So there were people were saying that we had if we had thousands of backlinks or OK, of course, backlinks are there but still always content makes sense and contents pay you back. If you have written the right content, then any time you can, you can’t expect it when it will work out actually.
Taapsi 16:53
Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, and this is where ChatGPT shines, right? Is in helping with content?
Syam 17:01
Exactly. Exactly. So that is, that is what it, it helps us a lot. I can say how much it is because it helps us more than 50% of our time, efforts, money in terms of money also because OK, in other times, OK, some of them lost the job also because the content writers were there. So we depended on them and we paid them, we heavily paid them on getting the content. That is, that is a sad part, we can say for, for us at a digital marketing company, we have the freedom now we have the profit now. We have the flexibility, everything we have when we introduced, we got introduced to the ChatGPT when we are writing the, when we are planning the contract writing actually, because content is, as I said, content takes at least more than 50% of our efforts.
Taapsi 18:06
Right. Right. Yeah, especially when you're heavy on organic. It is going to take, you know, it's gonna help tremendously. So that, that is what it does so well. So, you know, before we talk a little bit more about how it has changed the paradigm for you. Tell me how and when did you learn about ChatGPT first?
Syam 18:27
It was a buzz word around everywhere. You can't keep this word wherever you go, but it came out.
Taapsi 18:34
So when it became really popular recently, so that's when you also got introduced to it. It's not like you were tracking some, you know like a-
Syam 18:43
No, no, no, so we were aware, we were aware about artificial intelligence long back, actually, long back. And we, we tried some tools also but nothing did work like this. Yeah, there were many tools available pre ChatGPT but nothing worked the way how ChatGPT worked. So that is, that is what we, we clicked with the idea or the success of the product. So, because it makes, it makes, first thing is, it's user experience is very important. Then the, then the way we could communicate with the system, the, how the system, understand us, the, the, the naturality, the vocabulary or whatever they are having that, that, that makes, it's, it's an amazing product.
Taapsi 19:42
Right. Right. So, OK, so you came across it with all, with all of us as we all came across it. So when the first, when you used it the first few times, what did you think about? It's you mentioned its user experience and its usability. Did you immediately start-do you remember what were the first few things you experimented with in ChatGPT?
Syam 20:03
Yeah, I see. I like I, I also thought what is buzz word, there is a buzz word? Jargon is around, wherever I heard, ChatGPT, ChatGPT. I thought it's like another what to say, a temporary, temporary buzz word or the keyword which is happening, like the TikTok were like there.
Taapsi 20:33
Right. Right. Right. Right. Yeah.
Syam 20:34
So people got a little bit interested in the beginning and then it got melt after sometime. So like the way I thought to give a try for the time being, but I wasn't much more curiously experienced or used. But because I used other AI products and nothing given me in such a, such an experience. So, but when I communicated, when I started giving some commands, like simple commands, some sort of what to say 20 question games or some, I asked to write some stories, stories for kids. So, so it, it gives us some sort of inputs. It's not exactly the way we want it, but I had, I thought, OK, it can be improved or it can be better or, or so so I thought to start learning the prompts, the actual prompts. So then we everyday, whenever, whenever we used to do, so whenever you have such requirements, you will master on things actually, that is the, the necessity is the, what to say-
Taapsi 21:55
Mother of all inventions. Right. Right.
Syam 21:58
That is what exactly happening. So I never thought that it will help the way as I do today or as, as, as the way I am using ChatGPT today. But over the period then I got, I got really addicted into it and I used to talk to everybody and I, I started understanding how the other people are using it. Then I went some webinars like to get it whether they are teaching something better than my learning or my usage. And then I understood, OK, by using, you are improved as much as you are using, you are going to master it. So, so we can say the prompts makes you better with your outputs actually. So, so whenever basically the issue when you are having a cut, so when, when you deal with different content writers, you had multiple issues. Like sometime you like their tone, sometimes you like their vocabulary, sometime you like their word selection. Sometimes you like you don't like their anything and you, you will understand you, you will realize that I lost all the time. I lost the other person's time because this is, this person is not suitable for my requirement. Sometimes we used to take it because of deadlines. We had to meet the deadlines. So we had no other choices to take this and use it. But right now, right now you have all the freedom to make your own. So, so the product or the content, what you are getting is, is the by-product of your efforts, but you put your efforts on to it. You will get the best content from ChatGPT.
Taapsi 24:03
So I wanted to ask you before we do a share screen if you could tell me what resources you used to learn about ChatGPT better. You said you spoke to a few people, but you also said, you mentioned, you mentioned some webinars that you attended. Do you remember any of those names? It was any-anything that was particularly useful that you would direct other people to in order to get better at prompting or learning, you know what ChatGPT can do?
Syam 24:29
Growth school, right? Growth School is there, the founder of the Growth School, Vishal, he had conducted a workshop or webinar in the beginning. So I had a chance to attend that webinar. It's a one hour or two hour of a session and it was really, really an eye opener for beginners, it's, it's a really cool session because for us, it's most of the topics were known and we were only looking for the new things which is coming. But for the beginners, it would have been a, like a changing or better session for them actually.
Taapsi 25:20
Got it. Got it. OK. All right. So let's get into ChatGPT and let's see some of these prompts that you have now mastered and you know, to ask artificial intelligence. So can you do a share screen, Syam?
Syam 25:35
Sure. Sure. Let me open my browser.
Taapsi 25:43
Ok. So how do we do this? Let's get into a use case. Is that how we-?
Syam 25:47
Sure, sure. Sure. Sure. So for yesterday I wrote, wrote an article basically, this is for one of the training institute. So they are teaching some sort of even, the AI courses also they are teaching, they are teaching a Python or some sort of other robotics embedded, a lot of courses they are teaching. So we are helping them with organic marketing. So for I, I had to write a article related to this one, AI courses in Python. So basically software training is the keyword which we are focusing for this month. So every month we focus on specific set of keywords for this client. For this month, Our, our set of keywords are related to software training, artificial intelligence training, AI training, AI course Python, learning data science. These, these are such keywords we are focusing. So, so we had to write content for this client, we had to write some sort of articles. So, yeah, this is one of the tasks that I have given in ChatGPT. So my command is, my prompt is I need you to convert this content into a Linkedin article. It must be a detail as much as,must follow Linkedin article standards. OK. So then I have given the content which I copied from the, their, their own website because they had this content available. So I need this content to be converted into a Linkedin article. So my special instruction is you must have, you must follow the Linkedin article standards or the guidelines. So, so it gives me so it basically convert into a different format like this, they plan it. And is it converted content or any content duplicated from the original content I have provided? This is one of the question I have asked because I wanted to make sure that it didn't duplicate.
Taapsi 28:10
OK. OK. Fine. All right. I was saying why didn't you want it to, the original content is still your clients? Right? I mean, that's the, so why would it, why won't it why would you care about whether it's duplicated?
Syam 28:27
Yes, actually, but still content duplication is one of the, one of the what to say, important thing we always look into it, right? So we should not duplicate the content in exactly duplicate the content in any of the articles.
Taapsi 28:42
Oh, I see. You mean it's not directly copied, it's not it's not copy paste is what you're saying. Understood. Yes. OK. Ok. Understood.
Syam 28:51
So then do you think any additional additions or modifications required to match with the Linkedin article standards. Then it gives some sort of suggestions and I will read it and then if I think some suggestions are good to go, then I will ask them to write it, then I will ask them to write, I mean, I will ask ChatGPT to write, provide me a short excerpt for this Linkedin article and it gives, then this is one of the, one of the one of the very specific instruction I give – must avoid all commonly using AI words like there are some sort of words you can see in all the articles. So I have a list of words. So I ask them to specifically remove it. So and sometime, sometime it can't follow exactly the way we are asking or we are we are asking to remove those words, it won't do it. So I have to stress it like you must follow this instruction carefully or you will, you will be punished this sort of like, yeah.
Taapsi 30:07
Yeah, I know what you're talking. Yes. This punished one. I remember, I think it was the same webinar that you're talking about that I also attended from Growth School and I remember the, the comments in the threads about, oh, we shouldn’t use the word punished. And I think it was Vaibhav, I think this was his name. And he, and he said that it's not me. This is like how the guys who created you know, like, oh they figured out, they figured out that ChatGPT is really you know, it takes it seriously like if you say you will be punished because it's sitting on all this past data on what punishment means or entails. So yes, OK. It's interesting that you put that in there saying to follow the instructions carefully. I didn't realize that to reinforce an instruction, you know, that you are doing that as part of your prompt.
Syam 30:52
Because I had incidents like it come, it repeatedly, repeatedly doing the same mistake again, like using the same words, whatever I see. If you are looking, unlock, unlocking unleash, leashing, unveil, discover, embark, a lot of words, like embrace. So whenever, whenever you see those words, you could understand, easily understand this is an AI content, an AI created content. So basically I give instructions like it should be written like user-engaging the kind of user, I mean human generated way of words or structure, you have to keep it.
Taapsi 31:45
So how would you, how would you prompt your ChatGPT to sound more human like is it by eliminating the popular words, like you said or is it also by feeding it the words you want it to use?
Syam 32:00
I don't, I specifically don't do it like I want these words to be used, but I specifically tell them that the content should be user focused, user generated and then human centric.
Taapsi 32:17
And is that good enough as a prompt? Like are you happy when you say give it prompts like this, that it generates content that is human centric or user generated rather?
Syam 32:28
Yeah, exactly. Because they, they whatever the content they have provided. So far without if, if, even if they are excluding all these repeated words, we could see the, the quality of content they are providing is like much better than the human creator. And then during that webinar, Vaibhav mentioned that he used to use some copywriting standards or the Ogilvy standard or a copywriter standard, something in which we have. So I used to do when we have some sort of headline or some sort of short contents needs to be done for some sort of this social media posters or, or some captions be required, then I prompt ChatGPT to get me Ogilvy Standard or a copywriting standard, a professional copywriter standard of writing required. So, so they give us options, then it's all about us to decide which one or we have to take one and then we have to ask the modification and we can ask suggestions to the ChatGPT like, do you have any other suggestions or do you think is it better? Which one is better? So I used to do like that. If I have two sort of, two options available, then I will definitely ask, this is a scenario, this is a user, the focus, the target users we have to, yeah, when I, when I prompt, I, I mentioned that this is a target audience, this is the people who are going to read. So this is a sort of level of content I must, I must be delivered then I communicate with the judge ChatGPT like I have two options. This is a scenario. This is our audience. So which, which option would have been better? As per, as per your viewpoint, then what would be the reasons to say it like the way how we communicate with friends or the colleagues. You do communicate with the ChatGPT every time.
Taapsi 34:54
And are you happy with its judgment? Because it's one thing to ask it to create content. It's another thing to say, hey, here are two pieces, here's the audience. Which one do you prefer? So how has, what has been your experience with your satisfaction level, let's say with what it.
Syam 35:12
Actually, not fully satisfied. Sometimes, sometimes it gives OK, it's kind of luck we can say, but we had we had, we, we know what to, what to take or what to, what to do with. So, but getting a second opinion kind of approach, we are taking it because the decision was right or the option was right. So we just cross check it or double check it with the available immediate available system where we can communicate easily, some points he have given excellent outputs or suggestions with explanations – why you need to go this or why you- so sometimes at least out of 10, I, I at least took three.
Taapsi 36:08
OK. OK. So 30%. So OK. So I want to let's let's stop your share screen for now. I want to ask you a more existential question. And that question is that you know, for someone who's doing organic marketing, where content, it's all a content play. Now, you have this virtual assistant, you know, someone who can really help you generate content. Where do you see the, where does the power of a digital marketer lie? If not in creating content, can you just walk me through how has that changed your unique selling point to a client?
Syam 36:49
Like apart from ChatGPT, right.
Taapsi 36:53
Yeah, I'm saying in the context of having ChatGPT where anyone can create content and say, hey, use these keywords and you know, write me a Linkedin article on dash. Where is the, why would someone work with an organic digital marketer? Like where, where do we still, you know, where is the, where is the unique selling point? Like what is it that we would still need or a company would still need a digital marketer for an organic, an organic marketer for?
Syam 37:23
OK. That is a, that is a answer I have given in the beginning actually. So what, how I became a digital marketer is for my own need basically that time we don't have or that the companies don't had much of because depending on performance marketing is, is, is for, for a startup company, it's, it won't be feasible or it won't be a long term solution you can depend on basically because you will be out of your budget and you would have to look after I mean, look on to the sky actually. But yeah. So there are. So, so if you are kind of a startup or a mid level of company, medium level of company, you definitely need a digital marketer, at least in contract who can help you to promote because organic marketing gives you gives you paybacks without spending much on interest because it's a, it's a very, very what to say, if, if peanut of their marketing budgets, they are paying for an employee or a digital company.
Taapsi 38:53
So, right, so Syam let me just rephrase that if you can spend less time in generating content because you don't need to work with other people, you can ask ChatGPT to help you generate content. And so let's say you're spending less time on content creation because you have a tool to help you do that. Where can you now spend more time as a digital marketer?
Syam 39:15
Exactly. We had, we had the flexibility because in digital marketing, basically, there are a few things which is important is, or, or the time consuming is basically to understand the market where understanding or targeting your customers, then the keyword is such that is one of the one of the key point, the pain point of a digital marketing person or a company. So like even if you are a business owner, you, your, your pain point is to reach to the right person or right customers. So if you put all the efforts into the wrong place or wrong keywords, then all your so, so you lost the time, you lost the money, you lost all the efforts actually. So basically, it's a trial and system every time to, to, so, OK, some, sometime you won't get the exact keywords or whatever the keywords, keywords, you are selecting one click into the market or to the users. But but using the constant evaluation or using the analytic systems, you can understand that where it is getting clicked or where you are getting those users or you, your audience from the sources, then you can be more focused into those areas. So keywords, selection of keywords is the primary things which any of the digital marketer or the business owner has to focus on spend time on as much time you spend on keywords, whatever tools you do analytics or the adverts or whatever tools you used to do that gives you the best results or paid you the efforts, that is what I-
Taapsi 41:18
And that is where you still need an expert to help out. So the digital marketer job is not going anywhere because of GPT is what you're saying because you still need an expert to help you uncover those keywords and the strategy behind it. Once you have uncovered it, then you can use tools like ChatGPT to help you create content and you know, and double down on what works. Right?
Syam 41:40
Yeah. Right. So whenever, whenever, see, even, even if you are using this, so sometimes I try to use keyword research using this this one ChatGPT or Bard. OK. OK. We didn't say, we didn't talk about Bard or other Microsoft AI is also there actually I use Bard also along with ChatGPT too because I'm, I'm not I'm not so much of I mean, the way, the most of the time I use ChatGPT but the very less time I spend on Bard. But the thing is that Bard can be used for getting you the live data actually because ChatGPT doesn't have any kind of live data or the live forecast or statistics, nothing is available. So, so whenever you need some sort of data available or you wanted some sort of live content or live updates, news, some sort of things, I'm go check with the Bard and I will use that content also into the what to say, ChatGPT.
Taapsi 42:53
Got it. Are you talking about, are you talking about Bing?
Syam 42:56
No Google Bard.
Taapsi 42:59
OK, Google Bard, BBRD, right? That's what you OK, fine. OK. So you're using Bard in combination with GP T is what is more current data. OK. Take care. So when I, when I do this keyboard research.
Syam 43:10
So when I do this keyword research, I tried bad and this one, chat GP t to get me some sort of help but, they themselves are saying that they are not seo experts you check.
Taapsi 43:28
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So where does, where does charge GP D fall short? Other than the obvious one? Which is, it's, it doesn't have data after September 2021 we know that but other than that one just in your prompts and the kind of responses you get, where does, where does it fall short for you? Is there anything that you would that you don't use it for?
Syam 43:50
Don't use it for means like see the thing is that we see whatever the content we are making using charge GP D or, but we have to be, we have to do so sort of research on our own basically. So we can fully depend on the data, what these solutions or, or, or the, the, the the, the interfaces I mean, a are given actually. So there could be duplicate data or the wrong data. Even not nonexisting data are available with that, that they provide blindly, they provide you something and if you are using those data in your content, you will be in trouble somewhere.
Taapsi 44:38
Mm So when it comes to actual data references, double check your data is what you're saying.
Syam 44:42
Exactly. Exactly. And you should have to ask the source. Sometimes I used it to do, I used to ask ChatGPT where, where you got this information or did you double check it? Because mainly in Bard I used to do is, because they are mainly depending on Google search. So I, I, so sometimes they provide you the source and you can go and recheck it whether the data was live or available like that.
Taapsi 45:13
Understood. Understood.
Syam 45:14
So you, you must have the sort of sort of research before you are going to use the content what they are delivering actually then other than that, I don't think, OK, everywhere I used to do ChatGPT for all my day to day activities excluding this one also. So whenever, whenever I wanted to write an email also, I used to do because sometimes I, I write emails in my gmail or somewhere, but I double check it with ChatGPT because right now we, we, we got a, we got a tool or a or a second opinion person there.
Taapsi 46:05
Sure. Yeah. And that is what it allows us to do is get a second opinion, to validate and give new ideas, you know, update the content, you know, even if you create something on your own. Syam, this is fantastic. Is there anything that you want to add, that we have not talked about when it comes to how a digital marketer like yourself uses ChatGPT in his day to day work?
Syam 46:29
So basically, this is one of the thing that like the data duplication or the unauthenticated information, they, they, they blindly give you and if you write or if you publish the content trusting the AI, then you would have to face some troubles in the future. And then also, then also I expect sometime in the future, Google may find some solutions to duplicate this sort of contents when, when the content pumping is happening everywhere and everyone is doing this sort of things. And I expect someday Google will come back with some sort of blocking system or some sort of identifier or take in consideration of AI content.
Taapsi 47:32
Right. It will be able to detect it maybe better, better and better, right? Makes sense. Syam, this was fantastic. Thank you so much for just walking me through how you might use, how do you, how you use ChatGPT in your day to day life and you know, Iappreciate the time spent and I know it's the beginning of the weekend. So I hope you have a really good weekend with your family.
Syam 47:54
Yeah, sure. And same to you. But I also expect that something I added or something. But absolutely, this was very helpful.
Taapsi 48:04
Absolutely. This was very helpful, this was very insightful to just get inside your space and see how you use ChatGPT. So thanks so much for that.
Syam 48:12
Yeah, thank you very much and thank you for the opportunity.
Taapsi 48:15
Thanks bye. Thank you. Bye bye.